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Stampin' Up! Convention 2008 Brisbane

Day 1

Just arrived at Convention!

Arriving at the registration desk we were presented with our convention bag which contained two free stamp sets, our make-n-take ingredients and any badges for the awards we had won. I was excited to find out that I had received the Demonstrator of the Year pin for being one of the top 25 Demonstrators in Australia!

I think I must have swapped my entire collection of swaps on the first day……….. and look what I got in return!! Meeting other demonstrators, swapping ideas and getting inspiration from them was one of the hi-lights of Convention for me.

Here are some of the things we got to make using our free stamp sets and some of the new products from this year’s catalogue. The little box below uses some of the Chocolate Chip Taffeta ribbon…….. very yummy!


This was our convention bag this year. I’m thinking it will make a great beach bag……..love the huge window pocket in the front for my Stampin’ Up! catalogue.


Another hi-light was catching up with fellow demonstrators like Ann from the ACT whom I met at Convention 2007 and have kept in touch with throughout the year. Look out for her website…..she is one talented lady!

This year the theme for Convention was “Dream Big”. Shelli Gardner CEO of Stampin’ Up! inspired and motivated us to dream big dreams about our roles as Demonstrators and about how we can make a difference in the lives of those around us by sharing our creativity and offering that opportunity to others.

One of the coolest techniques we learned was how to colour a black and white photo with Stampin’ Pastels.

Shelli’s card samples from her demo on the last day……..I just love her style!
Day 2

Convention 2008 ended with the Awards Night and Banquet on Saturday. This was a time to recognise the efforts of all demonstrators in Australia for the part we played in making Stampin’ Up!’s second year so successful. It was great to cheer for my fellow demonstrators and team members who had won awards for their achievements in recruiting and sales (I had very sore hands by the end of the night and not much voice left). The biggest surprise for me was to find out that I was placed 8th in the top 25 Demonstrators of the Year in Australia and I was thrilled when they announced my friend Linda had been placed 6th ! You can see us receiving our roses from Shelli above. I literally had to keep pinching myself………… it was all very surreal!

I was one of 23 demonstrators in Australia who earned Stampin Up!’s 2008 Incentive Trip.
Simon (my hubby and Supporting Demonstrator) and I are looking forward to sharing 5 days at the Angsana Spa and Resort in Palm Cove with the other Incentive Trip winners this year (pictured with Shelli above), courtesy of Stampin’ Up!
I think I speak for all of us when I say how amazed I am that we are rewarded so generously for doing something that we love doing so much. This is truly the best “job” I could ask for and I’m thankful every day for this opportunity.
I am also so very grateful for the encouragement, support and friendship that I have received from my Inky Fingers team and also to Angela Sargeant and the Elite Stampers team of which we are a part. You guys ROCK !
All images copyright Stampin’ Up! 1998-2008

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5 thoughts on “Stampin' Up! Convention 2008 Brisbane”

  1. Looks like you had a fantastic time Vanessa! Can’t wait to hear all about it on Friday and to share in the new techniques you have learned. 😀

  2. How awesome Ness!!!
    CONGRATULATIONS on all your awards.
    I’m 100% coming to convention next year!!!!
    Look out canberra!!!
    Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!
    “Demonstrator of the Year” what an achivement!!!!
    Well Done Ness!!!
    Hope to join you on the incentive trip next year too!!!!

  3. Congratulations Vanessa, That’s a fantastic achievement!! You deserve the incentive trip. Keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Ness
    It was nice catching up on the phone this morning … and I immediately checked out your blog! (Why didn’t I think to do that earlier??? – must be brain drain!!!) thanks for all your updates about Convention. I feel so privileged to be part of such a wonderful team with you as my inspirational “upline”. You have had so many fantastic achievements this year … and you deserve every one. I am very jealous of your incentive trip … perhaps … maybe … I will dream about 2009??? And … I am with Anna … ABSOLUTELY going to Canberra next year! I wish we had all been there to clap & cheer when you got your awards! But … hopefully next year we will be! I know Tracy is keen to go too! Congratulations on a wonderful year. Perhaps next year you will be NO.1 !!! ??? 🙂 Andrea

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