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News from Convention!

Now that my Blog is up and running again (thankyou all for your patience!) I have some news from last weekend’s convention to share with you 🙂
What an amazing weekend we shared with our team and other Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators around Australia. More than just a business conference, Convention is all about catching up with friends and even meeting others for the first time that we may have only “met” online previously……so in that sense it is more like a family reunion than anything 🙂
Convention this year kicked off with Manager’s Reception. This was the one and only photo I got of the night as I forgot to charge my camera batteries (doh!):
So you don’t have to wonder what the night was like you can visit Claire’s blog here for some more pictures.
Stampin’ Up! had organised a gourmet dessert buffet for us and served up hot chocolate made with real chocolate in these gorgeous mugs big enough to fit 2 or 3 shots of coffee  – just perfect for late night stamping and scrapping sessions ;). We had he opportunity to chat with Shelli and ask questions, make suggestions about anything. I really appreciate that Stampin’ Up! listen to their demonstrators and work with us to be able to achieve our mutual success.
After the reception we walked along the cafe strip and found a great cocktail place and shared a drink or two and a laugh with friends (some of whom we hadn’t seen since last convention!) before making our way back to our hotel. Amazing how you can just pick up where you left off and it doesn’t seem like any time at all has passed since we last saw each other!
After a good night’s sleep we headed in for our first day. Here are Linda and I at one of the sessions. Neridah is in the background……..thanks guys for letting me crash in your room several times during Conventionxxx
It’s hard to choose just one highlight from convention……probably one of the best things was being able to share the special weekend with my Inky Fingers team.
Here are Kathleen, Brigette and Shannon during Make-N-Takes :
We did manage to get a photo of the entire team present at Convention 2010….
One of the things I look forward to most at Convention is seeing Shelli demonstrate……..
Here are just 2 of the gorgeous Vintage style projects she showed us :
I think my team members must have won prize patrol at least 5 times during convention!
Here is Andrea with her spoils:
Stampin’ Up! really pulled out all stops for our Awards Night. We were greated at the entrance to the the Main Hall with Paparazzi photographers and walked the red carpet into the beautifully decorated room with a live jazz band playing……
I managed to get a quick snap with Bonnie Thurber……Bonnie lost her voice before Convention but soldiered on through her AWESOME presentation on the Main Stage and as she said it was just like she was telling us a “big secret” as she whispered though her entire demonstration lol. Love you Bonnie….hope you are feeling a whole lot better soon!
Here is a picture of the beautiful centre pieces on each table……
The 2010 Hamilton Island Incentive Trip Achievers……..
It was announced that our next Incentive Trip in 2011 would be an all expenses paid trip to Fiji!!!!!
Probably the biggest surprise of the night was again being announced as one of the top 5 Demonstrators of the Year.
I came in at 5th place alongside Marelle, Ngaire, Angela and Claire.
Thanks to all my customers and my awesome team for your friendship and support this past year……you are what make my job so enjoyable!

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