
 Use this Code ONLY if your order is under $250 before shipping


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Extra Stampin' Rewards 9 October -9 November!


If you are anything like me, no doubt you are still discovering new products to add to your Stampin’ wish list! With the excitement of the new Holiday Catalogue, it’s a great time to hold a Stampin’ Up! party with your friends and family or place an order for your Christmas crafting supplies…… so……….let’s sweeten the deal shall we!
SHOP Place an order totalling $400 before shipping and choose 3% extra for your Hostess Rewards (yes you can go in together with some crafty friends!). Go to my Online ordering page to shop now.
HOST a stamping event at your place 9 October-9 November with at least $400 in retail sales (including your own order as hostess) and receive an extra 3% in Stampin’ Rewards. Contact me on 0407 497 540 or email to secure a date/time.
JOIN Stampin’ Rewards can be used towards the purchase of a Starter Kit. If you have enough Stampin’ Rewards for products AND the Starter Kit, even better! YOU pick which products you want to create your fully customised kit. Go to my joining page  for more information and to order your Kit today.
CONTACT me today on 0407 497 540 or email  to request a catalogue or more information.
These Extra Stampin’ Rewards are certainly a nice early Christmas bonus…….it’s going to be a good one!

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