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Grab a spot at my Christmas Wreath Kit and Card Class!


It’s your last chance to grab a seat at my Christmas Wreath Kit and card class!

Here are all the details…….

Learn how to use the contents of your Season to Season Wreath Kit in different ways. There will be other 3D items, tags and cards on display at the class…….learn how to get more out of your kit than just a wreath!

Date : Friday 27th November

Time : 7.30pm

Place : Mine! (Details given when you book in)

Cost : $70 (Class fee is less than $6) – includes the “Season to Season Wreath Kit”,1 4.6m roll of Burlap Ribbon plus verbal instructions to create a unique and beautiful decorative wreath plus a card. You’ll get to take away the remainder of your kit to make more cards, tags and other 3D items at home!

Here is a sample of what you’ll receive in your kit (stamp images are from additional coordinating Cheer All Year stampset) , so you’ll have plenty of extra goodies to take home and create more fun projects…….

season to season
Space is limited……..contact me on 0407 497 540 today to book a seat for yourself and a friend today!

Can’t make it to the class? The Wreath Kit comes with full instructions for you to create the original version at home. Order your Season to Season Kit in my Online Store www.vanessawebb.stampinup.net using the item code139645 or search by the description “Season to Season”.

Message me today (m 0407 497 540) or email stampin@vanessawebb.net to book your seat and get further details.

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