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Off to Convention and a Competition!

Just a quick post before I head off down to Canberra for Stampin’ Up! Convention!
For my Convention swaps this year, I thought I would set myself a colour challenge and put some together that aren’t normally used on the same  project!
Here’s my combo:
Kiwi Kiss
Pink Pirouette
I made two cards with the combo and chose only one for my Convention swaps. Which one do you think I went with??
Leave a comment on this post with your guess, I’ll put all the names of those who guessed correctly in a hat and draw one out when I get home on Monday. The winner will receive a sample of each of my swaps (I made three different card fronts) in the mail next week.
Option 1
Option 2
Pretty psychadelic combo hey???
Post your answer now to go in the prize draw :).
I’m off to do some more packing!!!!!

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12 thoughts on “Off to Convention and a Competition!”

  1. Hi Vanessa
    I am a friend of Leonies from NZ , also a Demostrator
    I think and hope you went with the second option hehee , nice design, but like the second one better

  2. Hey Ness,
    LOVE my special swap I received off you today, lol im in my room at crown and I cant stop looking at it hehehhe. So nice to meet you in person, hope your having a fab time.
    Kristy Young

  3. Hi Ness,
    I am going for Option 2 – it is the one I like the best. Love visiting your blog and getting ideas from you.

  4. Hi Vanessa,
    Hope that Convention was all that you were hoping it would be. Hope you got some great ideas too!
    I really like option 1 of the cards that you have made. Very subtle colour scheme. Notice that you’ve used Friends 24-7 again.
    However, I’m guessing that option 2 is the card that you took to Convention. Why? With Kiwi Kiss as the background and the Pink used to edge the top square, the contrasting colours look brighter. Nice job! Helen xx

  5. Hi Vanessa,
    Hope you are having a great time at the Convention. Can’t wait to hear about.
    Both cards look really awesome.
    I have guessing you will go with Option 2

  6. Congratulations on winning 4th place Demonstrator of the Year. Well done. I read about it on someones blog as I want able to make it to Convention. Take care

  7. Hi Ness
    Just thought I would sneak in and let everyone know about your wonderful weekend (but Anissa got in first!!) Demo No. 4!!! Woo Hoo!!! Congrats Ness! You are an inspiration! Stampin’ Hugs, Andrea xxx

  8. Hi,
    Both lovely….hmmm… but I think Number 2 just edges ahead!
    I’ll look forward to hearing about Canberra.

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