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Christmas Stamp-A-Stacks

It’s that time of year again!
Get started on your Christmas cards now and have 50 completed by Christmas. Come along to my Christmas Stamp-A-Stacks (starting in August) where all the hard work has been done for you 🙂
Beginners welcome!
Dates : Monday 17th or Thursday 27th August
Monday 14th or Thursday 24th September
Monday 12th or Thursday 29th October
Monday 9th or Thursday 26th November
Thursday 10th or Monday 14th December
Time : 7.30pm
Place : Mine! (details provided at the time of booking)
Cost : $20 for 10 cards 5 each of 2 simple designs (these will be pictured on my blog at the beginning of each month – August designs above. Design on the left was originally inspired by Liam Pucher).
Tea, coffee and a light supper provided.
None of these dates suit you? Get a group of 6 friends together at a time that suits and I’ll bring the supplies to you!
Bookings essential and payment is required one week prior so that supplies can be purchased.
Email me today at to reserve a seat for you and a friend!

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6 thoughts on “Christmas Stamp-A-Stacks”

  1. How cute! Love the bonbon. Your Stamp-a-stacks are such a good idea and a wonderful way of getting all those Christmas cards made. Looking forward to them!:) Love Helen.xx

  2. Now that is sooooo clever, the bonbon is just terrific! Not often I say that out loud about something I see on a blog! LOL. I would love to use this for a couple of my Christmas cards this year if I may!
    Lovely cards.

  3. Thanks Helen and Linda! I saw a couple of cards ages ago which used the idea of the tag punches to make the bon bon and stored it away for future reference……so I can’t take credit for it!!…….but I will say it’s a great way to play with the new Chridtmas papers 😉

  4. Thanks Marelle 🙂 I was trying to remember where the idea originated from as I’d seen a few cards using this bon bon idea!
    I will look up Liam’s website and post the link!

  5. I love your card you did for the class. Thank you for the mention. I love what you did with the idea. Fabulous. Love it. Love your work too. I love your sense of time card too. thanks for sharing your lovely creations.

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