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September Stamp-A-Stacks

Here are the cards we well be making  this month.
The first one was designed by the lovely Linda Higgins, you may have noticed me CASE-ing her work often, she is such an inspiration to me, and not just as a papercrafter ;). You need to check out her blog and add it to your favourites if you haven’t already done so. If you live up on the Central Coast, Linda runs papercraft classes from her home and you can contact her through her website www.lhiggins.blogspot. Here is Linda’s gorgeous card:
The second card is another CASE-d creation, inspired by one of the fabulously talented Inky Fingers team members, Allison Aylward. Allison also runs classes from her home and is available for a Stampin’ Up! workshop at your place if you are local to Wollongong. Visit Allison’s website to see more of her beautiful work and find out about her class details:
I have 1 or 2 spots available for the times below (classes filled up quickly last month!) so please contact me as soon as possible to save a spot for you and a friend. If these classes fill and we can find a time that suits you and a group of friends, I can come to your place and bring all the supplies with me 🙂
Dates :Monday 14th or Thursday 24th SeptemberTime : 7.30pm
Place : Mine! (details provided at the time of booking)
Cost : $20 for 10 cards 5 each of the 2  designs above
Tea, coffee and a light supper provided.
Bookings essential and payment is required one week prior so that supplies can be purchased.
Email me today at to reserve your seat!

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