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I thought I would share with you another one of our Stamp Club projects.
For these cards we used Bleach to create our stamped images.
The two cards behind are CASE’d. The Sense of Time Card from Stacey Randolph here and the Pocket Silhouettes card from  from the current Stampin’ Up! Idea Book and catalogue p6.
We had a lot of fun experimenting with this technique and, as a result, our bottles of common household bleach took on a whole new meaning and purpose!
If YOU have a long stamping wishlist, want to earn some hostess benefits without necessarily hosting a workshop at your place and learn about the latest stamping and papercraft techniques – then Stamp Club is perfect for you!
Club classes are FREE and held once a month over 6 months, at my home in Wollongong.
You’ll spend a minimum of $50 on Stampin’ Up! products per month to be part of the club, and (here’s the best bit!) enjoy receiving the hostess benefits once during that time too!
Each month we focus on a different project or technique and create projects that I wouldn’t normally have the time to show at a workshop, so, you are able to purchase your products gradually and learn how to get the most out of them also.
Stamp Clubs will start up again in January 2010 and spots tend to fill up quickly so, if you are interested in joining one, then please contact me by email or ph 4271 8212 for more information on times and availablilty and to request an application form!

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2 thoughts on “Bleaching”

  1. Hi Ness,
    Thanks for coming by today, I’d definitely had too much coffee!! Still a bit schizo! This is a neat effect, how do you keep the bleach from damaging the rubber, and the foam mount?

  2. My pleasure Mel… was great have a coffee and a chat while the kids played :).
    The bleach doesn’t harm your stamps at all… long as you clean them with the Stampin’ Scrub and Mist after stamping. Actually I find it helps clean any stains that I may have on my stamps eg after using Stazon.

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