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Big news!

WOW! Are you sitting tight for some exciting news!!!?
Stampin’ Up! are having a Colour Renovation!
Below you will see a Sneak Peek of the New Colour Collections that will be in our next Idea Book and Catalogue (out September 1st!)
You’ll notice that quite a few old favourites remain like Chocolate Chip and Rose Red (YAY!) plus there is a return of some previous In Colours including Wild Wasabi 🙂
Some colours have switched identities and so taken on a whole new light (who would have thought we’d have Old Olive as a Bold Bright??!!!)
Click HERE to download a PDF of the colours that we say farewell to on August 31st.
But don’t panic! You can still stock up on Cardstock, Ink refills and accessories in all your favourite retiring colours before they run out over the next few months. Just email me to place an order so that you can be using your those colours you simply can’t live without for a long time to come!
So, the BIG question is, what do you think of the Colour Renovation?
You’ve all been pretty quiet lately…….sooooo, I’ll place the name of anyone who comments on this post (sorry Aussie blog readers only….but feel free to leave a lovely comment anyway!) into a hat and draw out a winner who’ll receive a sample of our gorgeous new In Colour Polka Dot Ribbons!
Offer closes at the end of this week – Sunday 18th April 🙂

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14 thoughts on “Big news!”

  1. When I first saw that the colours are changing, my first reaction was…Oh No!
    I’m just getting used to using them all and loving them! Now I’ll have to start all over again! Well, good thing is … lots of my favourite colours are still there, like Regal Rose, the Navys, and some of the In Colours have come in. I’ll miss Taken with Teal – a favourite that goes well with Tempting Turquoise. That means a new colour wheel too, doesn’t it?
    I’ll just have to stock up on those going before it’s too late. Thanks for the prior warning. Now I have some time to plan.

  2. I know Helen……I felt like my whole world was spinning when I heard this news!! But I’m excited too!! I think the new colour combinations are fresher, more up to date and, even though I do have all ther ink pads there were a few colours that I really never used *blush*. Yes they will bring in a new Colour Coach …….I’m guessing it will come out with our new Idea Book and Catalogue 😉

  3. Hi Ness!
    I’m happy to have new colours – change is good i think! Thankfully for me now I’m no longer doing workshops, I wont feel the pressure to have them all! I’ll just buy what I like and those that I don’t I won’t worry about! I will certainly be stocking up on my faves that are going though!

  4. I had collected two whole colour families, Soft Subtles and Bold Brights… 18 out of 24 of those colours are retiring! (if my count is correct). Oh well, upside is I just have to buy another box of refils for each of the current subtles and brights- and some cardstock! Ooh, does this mean a new marker box? Ness, you can get one this time round!

  5. Also just noticed there are only 10 colours in each collection, as opposed to 12… AHHH! No wonder I was thinking there were not enough blues and greens – and where is mauve??? Apart from Perfect Plum and Rich Razzleberry… And what happened to the browns too? Oh dear… Starting to get cranky…

  6. Don’t fear Sarah!
    Remember we will be getting 5 NEW in Colours in September that will be around for 2 years and then 5 MORE again the following year……so that will be 10 new In Colours to play with at the one time…….my guess is that purple could feature in these colour sets 😉

  7. True, true… Okay calmer now… Will they redesign the colour caddy so it holds 40 not 48? or a multiple of 5 not 6?

  8. Hi Vanessa, Just saying hi … have to say I looked at the retiring colours and thought Ohhhh, I’m going to miss the cocoa and caramel, then I realised well Soft suede is the new cocoa… and I love Razzleberry so I can possibly get by without amethyst, lavender and pale plum by sept I think I will be loving the new palette.

  9. Love the new colours…really lookin forward to seeing Wild Wasabi back…hope you are well…sorry didnt make it Tuesday…If Im still in ill try and make it to the next meeting…Ill call you soon xo

  10. Hi Ness, I will be sorry to see the departure of Really Rust, Sage Shadow & Ballet Blue but hey, you know what they say “a change is as good as a holiday”! Don’t you just love Rich Razzleberry?

  11. Hi Vanessa, must say I’m a bit disappointed about the colours I love – esp Close to Cocoa – I’m not great with change but I guess I’ll get used to it! I do love Wild Wasabi and River Rock though so I’m glad to see them back!

  12. Thanks so much for your comments everyone 🙂 Exciting changes are ahead!
    The competition is now closed (but feel free to leave a comment anyway!)
    I’ll announce the winner in my next post.

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