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News from Fiji!

I keep saying part of me is back in Fiji……it certainly has a piece of my heart……and I will definitely be back. Beautiful place……beautiful people.
Here is a photo of our welcome party as we arrived at Nadi Airport. We were greeted with refreshment, mint-scented towels and Fijian Singers as we waited for our transfer to the Resort.

On arrival we were shown to our rooms and told that we would be “collected” for dinner.
Our room (above) had a view of the beach and swaying palms (below)…..very peaceful.

We were collected for dinner by some very fierce looking Fijian warriors (!) and escorted to canapes and pre-dinner drinks complete with a wonderful spectacle of Fijian dancing .

While we were on the trip Shelli celebrated her 50th Birthday. We had a special presentation for her at dinner that night – some jewellry beautifully made by fellow Demonstrator, Denielle. The live band sang a special, Fijian style, Happy Birthday to Shelli before she opened her gifts from us. It was really special to be able to share this occasion with her!

After dinner we shared a few cocktails in the bar and then headed back to our rooms to find a special gift on our beds…….

We had an early start the next day as we were trecking into the jungle for some rafting on the river!

We shared our boat with Linda Higgins and her guest Denielle. A truly amazing experience and one that I will never forget. Lots of laughs, squeals and screams were had  in our boat, that’s for sure –  and what happens in the boat, stays in the boat, okay guys!!! 😉
We had Noah as our guide for the day and he told us some amazing stories that brought the area and it’s people to life for us as we cruised down the river. He was also very good at scaring us with stories about crocodiles and water snakes…….lol.

Afterour full and fun day out doors, we were definitely in need of some sustenance……here’s Denielle and I sipping on our well-earned cocktails before dinner…….

When we returned to our room there was a box of goodies (including some gorgeous new product from the upcoming Mini Catalogue – which I can’t show you yet!!) with supplies for our Make-N-Takes the next morning.

The following morning we had the opportunity to swap with the other very talented demonstrators on the trip, before creating some beautiful projects using some products never before seen in Australia! I’m looking forward to sharing some of these projects with you in the coming months :)…..but I’ll have to keep them under my hat for just a while longer.
I shared my table with these lovely people…….

And in between stamping and creating we nibbled on some yummy scones and shortbread….

Each day we visted the Hospitality Suite to spin the Prize Wheel grab some handfuls  of  US candy and catch up with the lovely  Kelly Sue and Angie whose job it is to organise this whole trip for us!

Love these gals – they do such an amazing job of making us feel special!

Here is Simon and I lunching with Marelle and Dave Taylor. Now, you might get the impression  from these photos that there was some pretty amazing food in Fiji …….and you’d be right.  Each day we sampled some beautiful morsels of local seafood and fresh produce including some authentically cooked Fijian Lobster……..

The setting in the Sofitel is quite stunning… night or day time every where you look there are palm trees, ponds filled with waterlillies and the gorgeous pool which we spent quite a bit of time in!

All too soon…….it was time for our farewell dinner. We were taken down to the beach to watch some Fire Dancers – spectacular! (I will try and put some footage up for you soon!) and then we returned to enjoy a beautiful meal. After dinner we were treated t a performance of the local school choir which was just such a perfect ending to our trip.

One hi-light of Incentive Trip always, is catching up with people I see only a couple of times a year. Here I am with the lovely Ngaire Anderson. It was heaps of fun spending some time with her and  guest, Rose – two such gorgeous ladies.
Catching up with Shelli is always a delight and something that I look forward to each and every year…….such a gracious lady and lots of fun to hang out with 🙂

I do say this every year…..but this trip really was the best EVER…… and a great way to celebrate my first 5 years with this wonderful company.
Thanks so much for reading this very long post! I hope that it has given you a little taste of the wonderful experience that was Fiji!

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1 thought on “News from Fiji!”

  1. So glad you loved Fiji Ness! And a well deserved break for all your hard work! Just let me know when you are ready to go back and I can book you a trip to Fiji for the whole family!

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