Do you remember the last time you received a card in the mail? In a sea of junk mail and bills, a card is a simple thing that really stands out to the person who receives it. Sending a card is a small gesture that shows just how much you care about that special someone in your life. The 1st October is World Card Making Day, celebrate by making and sending a handmade card to someone who could use a little recognition, love, or just a boost (which is anyone, really!)………
……….and in celebration of World Card Making Day, from 1-5 October, you can save up to 25% on cardmaking essentials that can be used to share your love all year long!
Here’s a list of the amazing deals (available October 1-5 ONLY!), click on any image to shop my store :
Product List

Celebrate the gift of receiving and sending a hand-made card by gathering together with some friends for a card-making marathon – have fun creating and getting organised for the year ahead at the same time!
The Tin of Cards also makes a great gift – get some early Christmas shopping done and give a gift this year that is as useful as it is beautiful.
Here’s a list of additional products you might need in addition to the specials above :
Product List
Haven’t fallen in love with Fast Fuse yet? Check out video with tips HERE.
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