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EARLY BIRD enrolment for NEW Stamp Clubs – now open!

Early Bird Enrolment for my next round of Stamp Clubs is now open! Enrol in my next round of Stamp Clubs meeting on either a TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY evening – starting July 2017 – perfectly timed for the launch of the new Stampin’ Up! catalogue. (exact dates to be confirmed)
I have been running my Stamp Clubs for 10 years now and some of my customers have been part of Stamp Club for that long too!
I’m also excited to announce that you can now, for the FIRST time choose an ONLINE option for Stamp Club…….so you don’t have to be local to join us!!
Local members choose either Tuesday or Wednesday nights (the in-person class is held once a month).
The card above is created using the brand new Eastern Palace Suite – which will be available in the special pre-catalogue release May 1 – see this post for more details and for information about the exclusive class that I’m offering on the date too!
As always, membership has it’s privileges……
CLUB MEMBERS enjoy the following benefits:
  • FREE current Stampin’ Up! Idea Book and Catalogue (value = priceless!)
  • STAY ON A BUDGET – Do you have a long wish list? Are you a person who wants EVERYTHING? Pace yourself by building up your stamping supplies over time & staying on a budget.
  • Stampin’ Up! Promotions – I’ll be sure you’re aware of any and all Stampin’ Up! promotions.  This way we can find ways to earn you more FREE goodies during your Hostess Month.
  • GUARANTEED – $30.00 FREE PRODUCT!!! (We’ve had members earn $80+ in Host Rewards PLUS their choice of a 1/2 price item). Note: The total will go up as the month’s workshop total goes up. When it’s your month, feel free to invite friends to place orders or hold your own workshop at your place so your total goes up.
  •  If you can’t make class one month I’ll include your project pack in with your order and send photos of our exclusive projects for you to complete at home.
  • ORDER – $50.00 Stampin’ Up! order before shipping
  • 6 MONTHS – Place your SU order once a month for 6 months.  This ensures everyone in the club benefits from Stamp Club and Hostess Benefits!
  • ORDER DUE DATE – All Stamp Club orders are due by the date of the class held that month.
  • If you are placing your order online you will need to use the CLUB CODE for the month and pay for your order securely through my Online Store with your Credit Card – I will send you your Project Pack and photos of our projects for that month once your order has been placed.

Clubs are a lot of fun!

So what are you waiting for? To reserve your spot & receive your FREE Catalogue contact me today – SMS 0407 497 540 or email me stampin@vanessawebb.net.
Please provide your full name, mailing address, phone # & email address and your preferred Club Night (if you are attending the in-person classes – Tuesday OR Wednesday)
Club spots fill up fast – be quick and reserve your spot today!

Click HERE to browse and shop my online store!

Follow my blog by clicking on the button to the right – don’t miss a thing!

Follow my videos on Youtube!

Visit my Online Store to browse and shop the Catalogue, Clearance Rack and more!

Click to view the PDF of the new Catalogue

SHOP NOW : www.vanessawebb.stampinup.net

Contact me SMS 0407 497 540 to request your own copy (Australian residents only).

Join my Stampin’ Up! Community HERE.

Sign up for my newsletter to get regular updates and new catalogue announcements!

Subscribe to Vanessa’s FB feed to see what I get up to in my studio – exclusive samples, videos, Give-aways and more!

Check out my Pinterest pages.

Follow me on Instagram for more fun and creative inspiration, search “STAMPINNESS”……see you there 🙂


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